During our eleven year circumnavigation on Exit Only, we sailed with whales dozens of times.
On only one occasion, we sailed next to a mother whale with her calf.
Mother whales care for and protect their calves for six months to a year depending on their species.
When a calf is born, it’s a weak and slow swimmer. It would be impossible to keep up with its mother if it were not for the mother’s slipstream.
As the mother swims through water, her forward motion creates a slipstream. As long as the calf remains in the slipstream, the calf moves easily along with its mother.
Canadian geese also use slipstreams during migratory flights. Geese fly in a V-formation in which birds at the front of the formation create updrafts that help the following birds to fly. Each bird rotates into the lead position making it easier for the birds that follow.
Researchers put heart rate monitors on birds at the back of the formation, and their heart rate is slower than the bird leading the flock. Following birds conserve their energy and remain strong for when it’s their time to lead.
Homo sapiens (humans) are also a slipstream species.
All of us create a slipstream that carries other people along.
Our slipstream is either positive or negative that makes the world better or worse.
People who create a positive slipstream are the ones who make a positive difference.
My children have been traveling in my slipstream for their entire lives.
In my professional work as an eye surgeon, thousands of patients have had their vision restored in my slipstream.
Thousands of people each day and millions of people each month travel in my slipstream in the Positive Thinking Network where I make a difference one person at a time, one web page at a time, and one podcast at a time on over 250 websites.
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all a part of my slipstream.
My slipstream is where I make a difference in the world. It's where I carry other people along.
When I was young, I thought religion might be the force that would save the world.
Now that I am in my seventh decade, it has become clear that humanity is the solution to inhumanity.
No person, no government, no religion, or no movement can save the world.
In fact, our job is not to save the world.
Our job is to make a difference.
All of us can create a slipstream that makes the world a better place.
We are all drops in the same ocean, hurting together, hoping together, and healing together. The only thing that can save us is us.
If there ever is a judgment day, we won't be judged on our beliefs.
We will be judged on our slipstream, and whether we made a difference.
Dr. Dave
Positive Thinking University has something for everyone. If you are interested in adventure, you can visit Sailing Uni and Overland Uni. If you want to win the battle against depression, then Depression Uni is for you. Self Talk Uni gets you started on a program of positive self-talk to change what you say when you talk to your mind. If you want to explore the world of self help, Self Help Uni is a good start. If your interest is positive spirituality, visit Positive Christian Uni.
Dr. Dave reveals the secrets that made it possible to live his dreams. Discover what worked for him and apply the same principles in your own life. This is your opportunity to unleash the power that lies within.
Positive Music features Alternative Rock from Too Many Drummers. Get ready for pure emotion with a positive message. It will do more than change the way you feel; it will also change the way you think about who you are and what you can do with your life.
Optimists expect positive outcomes. You don't get what you want. You get what you expect. It doesn't matter whether your expectations are positive or negative, you still get what you expect. Your entire life is forged in the fire of expectations, and those expectations must be positive to make your dreams come true.
The wheel of change always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind. Positive self talk gives you the power to turn your life in a positive direction.
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what to say when your mind talks to you, and what to say when you talk to your mind. You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about. You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams. It's already right here in a self-talk format.
You may need to repeat an affirmation fifty times before your emotional mind accepts it. It’s an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe. That is why affirmations are so valuable. You can repeat them until you overwhelm the inner skeptic and change the way you feel.
It's easy and convenient to carry your positive thinking library with you wherever you go. Your entire positive library resides comfortably in your pocket on your smartphone. Visit the Positive Thinking Bookstore and start filling your mind with positive ebooks today.
The Programmer's Manual for Your Mind contains the tools you need to reprogram your mind with a Positive Operating System. You don't need a PhD in psychology to reprogram your mind and to change the way you think and feel. It's more about discipline than anything else. You don't need an iron will, but you do need to be willing to do whatever it takes.
Join Team Maxing Out as they sail around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran. Experience their adventures as they sail through Pirate Alley and up the Red Sea. Find out what it's like to experience a global tsunami in Thailand. Discover what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams.
PositiveThinking Radio will help you shed your limiting beliefs and start living your dreams.
The Owner's Manual for Your Mind contains thirty-one essential Change Principles that you need to make a life. When you make a living, you focus on survival. When you make a life, you focus on your dreams. Never become so busy making a living that you ignore making a life.
Everyone gets afraid, but not everyone lets fear control their destiny. Your job is to feel the fear, and do it anyway. If you never feel the icy grip of fear in your life, you probably are not living your dreams.
Your brain is an affirming machine that affirms the negative just as easily as the positive; it affirms the bad as easily as the good. Your brain is positive about many things that are factually untrue, and when you are positive about the wrong things, positive thinking actually gets you into trouble. Positive Thinking Psychology shows you how to use positive thinking to make your life better.
What you put into your mind affects the chemistry of your brain. When you put in positive things, you push the chemistry in a positive direction. When you put in negative things, you push it in a negative direction. You are not the victim of your brain chemistry, in a very real sense, you are its creator. It's time to develop a positive brain chemistry and to stop doing depression.
Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking is your depression fighting handbook that shows you how to stop doing depression. It's not enough to just stop being negative. You also must develop a positive mind. Learn Eight Steps to eradicate depression. Reestablish command and control over your thoughts and send depression packing.
Don't believe everything you hear when your mind talks to you. What your mind says is merely a reflection of what you have previously allowed inside. If you don't like what you hear, you have the power to change the message. Give yourself a piece of your mind at the Positive Bookstores.
No matter how hard you work and how much you hope, it's what you expect that counts. The Law of Expectations will make or break your life. When I know your expectations, I can predict your future. That's why positive expectations are so important. They are a form of predestination.
Cures are great when you can find them, but in the real world cures are few and far between. Getting better is an entirely different matter. Even when there is no cure, getting better is always possible at many different levels. I don't think about PTSD in terms of discovering a cure. My focus is on getting better. Anyone who is still breathing can get better.
Self-help is is built into the fabric of the moral universe. If you do your part, God will do his part, and amazing things will happen. But first you must do your part so God has something to work with. When you work like everything depends on you and trust like everything depends on God, you have discovered the secret of self-help.
If you don't have a space shuttle, if you can't afford a yacht, if you don't like to fly, you can still make a trip around the world. You simply climb into your truck, start driving, and don't stop until you complete the trip. You'll need a couple of years and some Freedom Chips to finance the adventure, but you can make it happen. Travel with us around planet earth on Overland UNI, and before long you might decide to make your own trip.
God is love and works by love, and by nothing else than love. The power and presence of God in your life is love .Every time you see love, you see God's hand at work. Every time you feel love, you experience God's presence and power. When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, your mind is exactly the way God means for it to be. When your heart is full of emotions consistent with God's love, your emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be. There is no limit to how good your life can become when you open your heart and mind to the power of God's love.
The most powerful force in the universe is God's love. The most important fact in the universe is that God loves and accepts you the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way. God loves you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, and it doesn't get any better than that. There is no limit to how good your life can become when your heart and mind are full of God's love. You can learn more about God's love by reading Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love.
Repeat positive scriptures until your mind repeats them back to you. When positive scriptures fill your mind, you start to think the way God's thinks about who you are and what you can do with his help, and your life is never the same.
Spiritual power is not something that you possess; it's something you experience. If you want to have positive spiritual power, you simply become God's love in the world. God's arms of love become your arms. God's heart of love becomes your heart. God's words of love become your words.You are never more like God than when you are loving other people.
Positive Buzz has an awesome selection of images worth putting into your mind and Positive Thinking Wallpaper is a great place to start. Find out whether you are a member of the Life Long Disoriented.
The Positive WWW reaches its arms around the globe with a positive website for every country in the world. Click on a destination and start your positive adventure.
Positive US has one positive website for every state in the United States. Enjoy your voyage of discovery on your journey to a positive mind.
Captain Dave and Team Maxing Out have launched the sailing dreams of hundreds of individuals with videos of their adventures on board their catamaran Exit Only. It's time for you to dream BIG and have some adventures of your own.
Social media is more of a jungle than a finely manicured garden. It's a rough and tumble experience with lots of chaff and little wheat.Too much of it is a Twilight Zone run by people with their own agenda, and most of time their agenda is at odds with your own. If you don't periodically curate your feeds, you drown in a sea of trivialities, opinions, and toxic waste. Positive Social Media is different because it makes it easy to find the good stuff and avoid the bad. It has dozens of links that quickly and easily help you discover positive content.